Mary Baker Eddy
Mary Baker Eddy is a spiritual genius. Fearless, stunning, tenacious, she has achieved fame and fortune as a best-selling author and sought-after healer. Her most outspoken critic and admirer is the sharp-tongued and irreverent Mark Twain who calls her “garrulous, ungrammatical and naively and everlastingly self-contradictory” but concedes that she is “the most daring and masterful woman that ever lived, and the most extraordinary.”
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Mary Steenburgen
Hellen Mirren or Meryl Streep. Both very strong actressess and can do any role that they come face to face with.
Jamie Lee Curtis – she can do anything!
I am just beginning to want to learn more about Christian Science (CS). I have heard Val Kilmer say that his film is not about CS. Mrs. Eddy, like all of us, was a human being with flaws as well as excellent character traits. I cannot visualize a movie that didn’t have an actress who would portray all aspects of Mrs. Eddy’s multifaceted personality.
If CS is ever to be understood by non-members, it would be through an understanding of Mrs. Eddy as a woman and individual.
In the movie, Holiday starring Kate Winslet, Eli Wallach’s character talks about a “meet cute.” He also mentions the word “gumption.” I view Val Kilmer’s film as a “meet cute” for the audience. And, there is no doubt in my mind that Mrs. Eddy had “gumption!”
There is absolutely no one who could ever play the character of Mary Baker Eddy except herself. I agree with another’s comments about her being one who taught and healed as Christ Jesus did. There simply isn’t a way to emulate her in a movie, because a movie is designed around personality. It is our duty as Christian Scientists to look past that personality of her as a pioneering woman. Although her achievements are beyond notable, her true background lies in the Bible, in healing, in God. This is a mockery of her life. The entire plot has been contrived by Mr. Kilmer. The actual casualness of Mrs. Eddy and Mark Twain’s relationship is being absurdly exaggerated into a romantic comedy.
In other words, this movie shouldn’t even be being made.
PATRICIA CLARKSON. Just dye her hair brown. She’s outstanding in everything! Meryl, yes, of course. But it all depends on how famous you want the lead…
Boston is a beautiful location, so that’s good.
Have you picked a CD for supporting roles? I would like to submit. (My grandmother was a big CS Practitioner in Australia. She was totally amazing & lived till 93. I am based in LA)
Good luck!
Jodie Foster
Maggie Gyllenhaal
I think an actress like Meryl Streep or Gweneth Paltrow could get the job done believably and with the necessary depth to stand up to the character of Mark Twain. I also think to understand the woman (MBE) the actress would need to read the Peel books and (at the very least) Retrospection and Introspection, by MBE (her autobiography) to get a sense of her. Ideally the actress would also read her major work, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
Julia Roberts, Cate Blanchett – that kind of magnitude of women
Mary McDonnell (Dances With Wolves) is not as famous as some of the other actresses mentioned above, but she looks alot like Mary Eddy. I think she would be a nice complement to Mr. Kilmer’s character.
A young Mrs Eddy – Amy Adams
i think an unknown actress with a genuine vanrability who has a stronge chracter.
Sally Field would be ideal especially since she has portrayed similar characters in other wonderful films such as Norma Rae. Another suggestion I would like to make is Susan Sarandon.
Meryl Streep for the older role of Mrs. Eddy. When I first read about the proyect some time ago, she was the first name that came to mind.
Mare Winningham, chemistry with Val from the start. Or Dee Wallace, she has a great spiritual connection.
Agree with Meryl Streep nomination, but I’m sure Hillary could also do Mrs. Eddy justice. Then again maybe is should be Meryl as Mrs. Eddy and Hillary and MT’s daughter.
Wouldn’t be great if Doris Day could do the role.
Samantha Levenshus aka smantha jordan
My Mrs Eddy readings would go to :
Patricia Clarkson and
Gemma Jones
Judi Dench
Maggie Smith is the most outstanding character actress and does a very good strong personality
I would agree that Doris Day would be good. I would like to add that Charlize Theron would be good as she is a very strong actress.
Sally Field played Sybil years ago and if this character has half the spirit as Sybil she would make the character jump off the screen.
Definitely Meryl Streep.
An unknown.
Actress, producers and writer: Megan Hoelle.
She is a dead ringer for Mary Baker Eddy, petite, perfect. 30 years old….
Contact me via email for her picture and contact info if interested.
All the best,
Ms. Baker
I wouldnt show marys face. I would have the other actors around her be the ones responding to her. In the movie BENHUR, Jesus hands Ben hur a cup of water and the audience is left to their imagination as to what Jesus looks like. If you pick an actress that has no understanding of the truth of the Power that moves throught the Universe than people will walk away with that level of vibration and think thats the highest feeling about truth that Mary had. Its a difficult role to play because you have to be able to raise audiences understanding to a much higher level like Mary was able to do. I suggest one actually never sees her face but what is written about her, especially her healing understanding and demonstrations.
Patricia Clarkson and Sally Field can seem frail and still carry an undeniable strength, commitment and integrity beneath the surface without really trying. Mary Steenbergen is appealing in the same way, but perhaps too frail and maybe too sexy?
Lorna Raver
cate blanchet….u want chemistry…or an unknown…u will carry the movie.
Cate Blanchett
I like the idea of Charlize Theron. Charlize has gone very “deep” in some of her portrayals. She could really pull of the nuances of quirkiness to the joy of belief and touch us all. Of course, Meryl Streep could do it justice, too. With Meryl, one would have a guaranteed box office share because of the great films she has been part of.
Ditto Mary Steenburgen. =)
Here is a list of actresses (variety of ages) that could potentially play the part well and at least have a minimal likeness to photos of Mary Baker Eddy.
Susan Sarandon
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Winona Ryder
Judy Davis
Madeleine Stowe, Jane Seymour, Julia Ormond, or Jamie Gertz
Kate Winslett
Hillary Swank – not a personal favorite but she’d be great in the roll…
I think MARY STEENBURGEN is the only actress who could play this character!
Rachel Weisz
Jody Foster or Cate Blanchett
Claire Danes. Based on her convincing Temple Grandin performance and a general similarity which I’m sure makeup can tailor.
Wishing you the very best with the project. It’s taken a few years and an upbringing in CS to see that this project will bring a very important history to the forefront of a world in search.
Other contenders should certainly be Meryl Streep and Hillary Swank. Either can comfortably carry the heavy media weight this will certainly require.
Joan Allen. Hands down.
Cameron Diaz.
Hope it’s not Meryl Streep. Great actress – but so not right for Mrs Eddy
I agree with the votes for Mary Steenburgen. She played a strong female lead in Back to the Future III with an ability to present the character with a voice that will keep America on its toes. She could also pull off the hair easily.
Thanks for doing this Val!
Ellen Burstyn, amazing and spiritual. I believe that she could embody all that the beauty of Mrs. Eddy. Also, she is such a brilliant actress that she could play Mrs. Eddy at different ages with total conviction.
Thank You (a fellow performer),
Laura Wolfe
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
Jeanne Tripplehorn is also so amazing, she could undertake a role like this very well.
I would like to suggest Maria Doyle Kennedy, she did an amazing job playing Catharine of Aragon on “The Tudors” and I think she would be perfect for this role.