Mary Baker Eddy
Mary Baker Eddy is a spiritual genius. Fearless, stunning, tenacious, she has achieved fame and fortune as a best-selling author and sought-after healer. Her most outspoken critic and admirer is the sharp-tongued and irreverent Mark Twain who calls her “garrulous, ungrammatical and naively and everlastingly self-contradictory” but concedes that she is “the most daring and masterful woman that ever lived, and the most extraordinary.”
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I think you should cast Linda Goetz, a boston based actress, an unkown actress would bring to life this extraordinary woman withou bring the celebrity factor to thus giving MBE the full attention and dedication she deserves
Cate Blanchett!!!
I second Olivia Williams. What stage in MBE’s life are we talking though?
Carrie-Anne Moss. Definitely. She can sell strength just by being on screen. She doesn’t have to act. And she’s already proven to have great chemistry with Mr. Kilmer. This can’t be a role that’s filled for name recognition (although Ms. Moss has it for sure) or because of the current Hollywood crushes (i.e. Anne Hathaway, etc.). It needs a deep, organic gravitas. You don’t want someone to show up to play the part; you need someone to move in.
Frances McDormand. However, an equally adept yet unknown actress would be interesting as well. Looks can be achieved for film, honesty, interpretation and believability are up to the actor.
Excerpt from Director’s Notes 10/6/10:
“One church member mentioned that she was concerned that the actress playing the role may overshadow Mrs. Eddy — that one may leave the cinema talking more about the actress than Mrs. Eddy. For this reason she felt the actress should be an unknown rather than a star. This is an unlikely problem for two reasons: one, it is hard to imagine the character of Mrs. Eddy being outshined by anyone; two, I in my work as a director will devote myself to ensuring that there is a proper balance and that her character is embodied with dignity, subtlety and grace.” …via Mr. Val Kilmer
Laura Linney is perfect in everything she does.
Kathy Bates, unspoken strength!
I would love to see Cate Blanchett play it as well. I think she brings such integrity and honesty to her roles.